Serve God And Others In This Wonderful World!
Join us and become a Daughters Of Divine Charity.
The Daughters of Divine Charity are a Catholic international pontifical congregation of women founded in 1868 in Vienna, Austria. Today the Sisters number over 1500 and are located in 21 countries around the world. The congregation of Sisters is involved with caring for the elderly and education.In Akron, Ohio, the sisters administer a home for seniors. The facility is a non-profit organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (tax i.d. 34-6548948). Your charitable contributions are welcomed and are tax deductible.
Visit our sisters at work at Holy Family Province, Staten Island, NY.
"...we endeavor with God's grace and assistance, to make ourselves available to the needs of the Church in the contemporary world." (Our Mission Statement).Our sisters now serve in Albania, Africa, Austria, Bolivia, Boznia, Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and The United States.
Our goal is to provide for the social and spiritual needs of the times of those entrusted to our care.
A desire to pray
A longing to be a living witness to the Gospel
A willingness to live in community
The strength to serve God's people
The capacity to enjoy life
The confidence to hope for a better world through the living of the Holy Vows of Chastity, poverty and obedience.
At least 18 years and less than 50 years of age.
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Liturgy of the Hours.
Community Prayers.
Rosary and Litanies.
No morning without a fervent prayer
No work without good intention
No joy without a thankful look toward God
No conversation without a thought of God
No suffering without God-given patience
No injury done without repentance
No mistake without critical judgment on it
No good work without humility
No one in need of help without a small gift
No sufferer let go uncomforted
No sickness suffered without forbearance
No night without self-examination
Oh Lord, I'm growing up.
I am beginning to realize how important it is that I make decisions.
I would be afraid except for the fact that I know you'll guide me.
The world can use me and my talents - but where?
Show me
Lead me
Guide me
And when you show me, help me to be generous enough to respond.